On a previous post, found here,
a situation was explained about a suitcase filed against Samia Al
Aghbari for attacking "religion". After brief contact with her, this is
what she had to say on the subject:
What is happeningtodaywith meis an extension ofa long campaign launched againsta number of women like writer ArwaOthman, activist Atiaf Al Wazir, and novelistBushraal-Maqtariamong others. This vicious attackconfirms that without a doubt there is a systematic campaign targeting liberalactivists and journalists in orderto silenceour voices. They [the attackers] believe that they havesilencedourvoices. In the past, Saleh andhis "associates"used religionto eliminate opponents andsettletheir accountswithopposition. They even used defamation andfabricated accusationsoftreason, not to forget the abuse of thejudicial system that is usedas a swordhangingover the necks of theiropponents. Today, extremist groups - whatever their affiliation is - areusingthesametechniques. Butwe [women]will notfeartheir threatsortheircampaigns. We will continueourstruggleuntilwe winourhumanity backandget thestatethat we want.
What about the accusation that you slandered religion?
My sentence was clear and the meaning was obvious. The term that I used, "ugliness", was to describe the allaince, not religion, however,someextremistsexploited that situation.What I say isthat Ican not badmouth anyreligion, let alone my religion! Clearly,religion here is used totosettlepoliticalscores.